Associated Press Got PUNKED by White Supremacist (Video)

Friday, February 23, 2018 by

Listen and learn why the Associated Press is a fake news propaganda rag run by left-wing activists pretending to be journalists.

Podcast Transcript: “Here’s why people don’t trust the fake news mainstream media anymore. The Associated Press got punked big-time. They got caught. They got a hoaxed by a white supremacist who by the way – mostly Left-wing journalists say that white supremacists are stupid, backwoods Hicks – well, one of these quote ‘stupid backwoods Hicks’ hoaxed The Associated Press. The AP ran a major story based on false information that this guy had given them. Then when they got caught, The Associated Press refused to retract their story. Instead they wrote another story to try to cover it up by saying ‘oh we were lied to.’ Really? By this white supremacist backwoods hick? You were lied to? Wait a minute, you trust these people? Oh, really? So, you, The Associated Press, you’re supposed to be the gold standard of journalism, right? What a joke. You were punked by the very same people that you say are stupid backwoods Hicks. Unreal. Here are the details. This concerns the Nicholas Cruz school shooting in Florida…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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Associated Press got PUNKED by white supremacist from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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