Sunday, April 30, 2017 by Mike Adams
It has now become abundantly obvious to all thinking people that humanity has reached “peak idiocy.” This cognitive bubble of idiocy is reflected across all the following suicidal, destructive things that humanity does to itself in the name of power or profit:
I could go on, obviously. “Peak idiocy” has now achieved never-before-witnessed levels of irrationality, delusion, magical thinking and denial in every sector of society. There isn’t a single thing in society today that isn’t touched by peak idiocy: Government, education, finance, food, medicine, science, history, housing, mental health and so on.
It’s not hard to find examples of what happens when peak idiocy takes hold in a given nation, driving its citizens to irrationality and delusion. America is right now perched on that tipping point, where the nation could easily fall into an unstoppable, self-reinforcing cycle of runaway idiocy on the political spectrum, eventually descending into something a lot like China’s “Cultural Revolution” which mass murdered intellectuals and established that nation’s current communist regime (complete with mandatory organ harvesting, imprisoning those who speak of political dissent, and blocking all websites the government doesn’t like).
Socialist Venezuela is a prime example of peak idiocy run amok. There, the population voted for exactly the idiot leadership they got: A mindless, moronic tyrant named Maduro who sits atop one of the world’s largest oil reserves but still can’t figure out how to enable his own people to not starve to death. Venezuela’s temperate climate allows abundant food production, yet the people there are digging through dumpsters in a desperate bid to stay alive. How can this be?
The answer is that Venezuela has reached its own “peak idiocy” rooted in Left-wing socialist delusions about economics, liberty and private property. When the Left takes hold of anything, it quickly destroys it, leaving behind a wake of human suffering, violence and death. Today’s Venezuela is tomorrow’s America is we don’t stop the delusional Left at every opportunity.
North Korea is another example of peak idiocy on parade. Under the iron fist of Kim Jong-Un, a sociopathic cult leader who has carried on his father’s tradition of demanding he be worshiped by his cult followers (i.e. Nork citizens), Kim Jong-Un has maintained political power by cutting off North Korea from the outside world and making his followers believe their misery is all America’s fault. Notably, North Koreans must adhere to the same kind of censorship, politically correct speech and delusional thinking that you now find spreading like a pandemic across California’s universities (like Berkeley).
America’s peak idiocy is found in the suicidal failures of the country to protect its own borders, its inability to limit voting rights to legal citizens, Obama’s transformation of the U.S. military into a transgender social experiment, the government’s runaway debt spending and the astonishing inability of the Republican majority in power to stand up for any principle whatsoever. The nation seems to be run by the mindless memes of a deliberately anti-American corporate media that’s deliberately pushing for a kind of Cultural Revolution overthrow of the government (and a nationwide descent into communist rule). This, of course, is parlayed as “tolerance.”
In all these cases, idiocy has been accelerated by the rush toward political correctness and so-called “tolerance” (which really means intolerance and the mass murder of those who do not conform to Leftist views). All the signs are already evident that America is careening toward the same outcome as China, North Korea or Venezuela, especially among Leftist student cultists who are just itching for a civil war so they can shoot and murder as many non-conformists as possible. Read up at this SHTFplan.article: There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”
When “peak idiocy” is achieved by a critical mass of nations and leaders, insane things start to happen. Sadly, those “insane things” right now include the realm of nuclear weapons capable of obliterating tens of millions of people in a flash. Paul Craig Roberts sums it up nicely when it says:
The chances are high that life on earth is approaching its end. The responsibility lies heavily on the American people, whose success, due to the mistakes of others, made Americans think that they are exceptional and privileged. Unaware of the inhumane threat to all life that is embodied in the neoconservative claim that Americans are exceptional and indispensable, the self-satisfied American public is unaware of the consequences of such hubris. Hubris is leading them, and the entire world, to slaughter in thermo-nuclear war.
Roberts, by the way, is one of the most rational and level-headed people who has ever served in Washington. A former official under the Reagan administration, Roberts remembers a time when leaders in Washington behaved with rationality instead of runaway hubris and insanity. Those days, sadly, are long gone. Today, Roberts is vilified by the same mainstream media that attacks, defames and slanders any person who utters a single rational thought rooted in reality rather than delusion. In a world of deception, telling the truth has truly become a revolutionary act.
We are all now living under the rule of truly delusional governments and dangerous, monopolistic corporate monstrosities such as Google, Facebook and Amazon.
Many governments of the world are right now on the verge of being overrun by their own people who are finally waking up to the utter failure of government idiocy. Everywhere you look, governments are precariously situated on the edge of the abyss: Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, the United States, Greece, Italy, France, Britain, Syria, Russia, North Korea, China and even Japan in some ways. Every one of these governments is just one critical event away from losing its grip — most likely through financial collapse — and being overthrown by its own angry, starving, impoverished populations who have been incessantly exploited, abused and lied to by corrupt government. Even Canada is about to undergo a brutal real estate bubble crash that will send many urban-dwelling Canadians into fits of anger and protest.
Governments are, almost by definition, incompetent organizations rooted in the desire for self preservation. This tells you that when they begin to lose control, they will start as many wars as necessary to try to maintain power.
International WAR is the ultimate demand mandate for domestic obedience. When governments begin to lose control, they ignite wars in order to keep their own people in line. This is “peak idiocy” achieving its full, glorious potential, where the mass destruction of entire foreign cities is deemed a necessary strategy for incompetent, corrupt government institutions to maintain power over their domestic populations.
We have now reached that point in human history. There is no walking this back, either, because the people of the world are increasingly coming to recognize that governments no longer serve the needs of human societies. The very idea of a centralized government, in other words, is becoming increasingly obsolete.
This is when large, national governments are the most dangerous: When they are approaching the possibility of their own extinction or abandonment. It is at this moment that we now face the greatest risk for the peak idiocy phenomenon to explode into a global suicide pact of nuclear exchange from which no nation can possibly emerge without severe damage to life, infrastructure, crop soils and the environment.
In other words, Kim Jong-Un isn’t the only insane leader on this planet. ALL governments are insane. ALL governments are suicidal. ALL governments are willing to murder tens of millions of innocent people if that’s what is necessary to stay in power.
We the People now watch in bewilderment as our world spirals out of control, with widespread extinction at the hands of incompetent government colliding with the mass mental conformity and delusional thinking demanded by the intolerant, insane Left. This cannot end well. This will not end in peace, humility, compassion and love for thy neighbor. It is vastly more likely to end in war, destruction, suffering, violence and the rise of totalitarian governments worldwide.
When peak idiocy has run its course, let us hope that whomever survives does not repeat the critical mistake in believing that centralized, tyrannical governments run by power-hungry, incompetent conformists can ever serve the interests of humanity. The real future belongs in the radical decentralization of all political power to the most “local” level possible. Only then can human civilization hope to live in anything resembling peace, sanity and sustainability.
Listen to my Health Ranger Report podcast on the philosophy of decentralization to learn more:
Tagged Under: Tags: centralization, delusion, government, incompent, international war, Lunacy, nuclear war, obedience, peak idiocy, police state