The ALTERNATE REALITY of America’s urban youth

Thursday, August 31, 2017 by

The Health Ranger conducted an anthropology experiment by observing youthful human primates who live in urban environments, discovering that the male gender has been culturally obliterated.

Podcast Transcript: “I just spent a day with some young urbanites in Austin. I’ve got some fascinating observations to share with you. Sort of reporting from an alien world of young city Millennials in Austin, Texas. Whose language, culture and body language has really begun to be so far detached from the reality that I know. It’s almost like visiting another planet. There are some positive aspects to it and some twisted weird things to it as well. I want to share of those with you. Thank you for joining me. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. You’re listening to So, one of the biggest thing I noticed about these young urban Millennials is that they have a sense of not having any control over their destiny. They are sort of go with the flow, just whatever, where ever the current takes them. That’s where they are and for the most they’re okay with that. It’s really interesting, because in my generation we all, well many of us, had plans…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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The ALTERNATE REALITY of America’s urban youth from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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