Tuesday, December 12, 2017 by Martin Mavis
The Health Ranger reveals important tips on how to travel safely, including a really cool tip for how to avoid having your stuff STOLEN!
Podcast Transcript: “I really want you to be safe this holiday season. I’ve got some tips for you here about that on how you can have plans to bug out if you’re visiting family. Things that you can do on the road. Things you can do when traveling to be safer. But let me just put a little bit of background on this. By the way, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Thank you for joining me here at HealthRangerReport.com. You can hear my other podcasts at that domain. In terms of some background, I’ve had some premonition over the years of some really bad events, some catastrophic events that are coming and some of them have happened. One time, this was like a year and a half ago, I had a very extremely vivid, super strong dream of an explosion and fire. It was so strong I actually wrote about it. I published it on NaturalNews.com. This was ridiculously vivid. I’ve never had a dream like this and I took a big risk being ridiculed or whatever for publishing a prophecy dream, but I published it. And sure enough I think it was within three days there was an explosion in a market in – I think it was Thailand – that matched the description I had written on Natural News. I mean very, very detailed descriptions…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Holiday TRAVEL tips: How to protect your LIFE and your STUFF from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
Tagged Under: Tags: crowds, dangers, mass casualties, premonition, preparedness, prepper gear, safety, survival, terrorism attacks, theft, tips, travel