Monday, January 15, 2018 by Martin Mavis
The LGBT community is engaged in a widespread cover-up to bury the truth about ANAL CANCER.
Podcast Transcript: “Now because of the extreme sensitivity of this particular subject of anal cancer, allow me to say up front, that I’m not here to make a moral judgment of lifestyles. This is a medical science discussion rooted in scientific facts. Also, when it comes to social choice and human freedom, I tend to be a social Libertarian, which means I believe in each individuals right to live their lives the way they want to live their rights. So, I’m in favor of… I’m simply pro-choice in almost everything, including your choice of how you wish to live, but our choices have consequences and that’s where science comes in. Science is about really cause and effect. If it’s at the molecular level you call it chemistry. If it’s at the astronomical level you call it astrophysics. If it’s at the subatomic level you call it quantum physics. It’s about cause and effect. It turns out, the American Cancer Society has now confirmed, that if have anal intercourse you are at about a hundreds time higher risk of contracting anal cancer versus people who have normal vaginal intercourse. I used the word ‘normal’ on purpose, because vaginal intercourse is normal. Anal intercourse from a medical and physiological perspective is abnormal. The anus is not designed to engage in sexual activity. It is an elimination organ to eliminate toxins and waste from the body…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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The great LGBT anal cancer cover-up from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
Tagged Under: Tags: anal cancer, cancer risk, gay sex, HPV infections, intercourse, LGBT, sex partners